So, of course.

Påtal om dikter.
Jag läste igenom lite under kategorin "Poesi".
Där fanns en omredigerad text av artisten Soko:


So, of course, you were supposed to call me tonight
you were supposed to call me tonight
we would have gone to the cinema
and, after, to the restaurant, the one you like in your street

we would have slept together, have a nice breakfast together
and then a walk in a park together, how beautiful, and then
you would have said "i love you" in the cutest place on earth
where some butterflies are dancing with the fairies

i thought it was a love story, but you don't want to get involved
i thought it was a love story, but you're not ready for that ...

me neither.

Varje dikt jag skrivit. Hör en händelse till.
En känsla, ett humör, en situation.
Eller en person.

När jag läste den här texten blev jag full i skratt.
Känns inte mitt liv lite som en skiva som hackat upp sig?


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